Using AR for Corporate Training: Benefits and Limitations

October 20, 2021

Augmented Reality (AR) technology has become increasingly popular in recent years, as it has opened up new possibilities in various industries, including corporate training. AR enables employees to learn and practice new skills in a simulated and interactive environment, making it a powerful tool for employee training. In this post, we will explore the benefits and limitations of using AR in corporate training.

Benefits of using AR for corporate training

1. Engaging and immersive experience

AR provides a more interactive and engaging learning experience compared to traditional training methods. It enables employees to learn by doing, using a simulated experience that feels real. This approach can help employees retain information better and develop new skills more effectively.

2. Flexibility

AR enables employees to learn at their own pace and on their own terms. They can access training materials at any time and in any location, using AR-enabled devices such as smartphones and tablets. AR-based training can also be customized to meet employees' specific needs and interests.

3. Cost-effective

AR-based training can significantly reduce costs associated with traditional training methods such as classroom training and hiring equipment. By using AR, companies can deliver training programs virtually, which reduces the need for physical training materials and venues.

4. Real-time performance tracking

AR can track employees' real-time performance, which enables trainers to adjust training programs and support employees in real-time. This feature enhances the quality of employee training and improves their overall performance.

Limitations of using AR for corporate training

1. High initial cost

The initial cost of implementing AR-based training is high, primarily due to the need to purchase specialized equipment and software. This cost can be a significant barrier for small and medium-sized businesses.

2. Technical challenges

The successful use of AR technology depends on the performance of the employee's device and the availability of a stable network connection. Technical issues such as network latency, device compatibility, and battery life can hinder the effectiveness of AR-based training.

3. Potential for distraction

AR can be a source of distraction as it provides employees with access to augmented information, which can shift their focus from the primary training objectives. This distraction can affect the quality of training and overall performance.

4. Limited content availability

Currently, there is limited content available for AR-based employee training. The creation of customized content can be time-consuming and expensive, especially for small businesses.


AR-based training can revolutionize the way companies train their employees. It provides an engaging, flexible, and cost-effective way of learning, which can improve the overall quality of employee training. However, businesses must recognize the limitations of AR and overcome the technical and financial obstacles to unlocking its full potential.


  1. C. Shavinina, "Handbook of Research on Instructional Systems and Technology," p. 361, 2008.
  2. L. Argott, "Augmented Reality for Learning and Performance," 2018.
  3. PWC, "Virtual and Augmented Reality: Investing in the Next Big Thing," 2017
  4. ATD, "Using Augmented Reality for Learning and Development," 2019.

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